First time account stuck on "we need some time to review your account"

Hi, not sure if this is the correct place for this but I have been stuck on the same screen in the freetrade app for about 3 weeks now.
I only get as far as confirming my email address and tapping the “log in to freetrade” button. Then for the past 3 weeks any time I try to open the app, the same screen appears and I cannot do anything.
“We need some time to review your account”
“Sit tight, we have all the information we need, we just need some time to review your details manually. This usually takes up to 2 days. We’ll let you know as soon as we’re done”
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @mimicwalls

Thanks for flagging this. I’ll raise this with our customer ops team to see if we can get your account all ready to go.


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