Freetrade app very laggy or just me?

I’m sorry you found account switching slow again. We are aware of this. It’s worse in the morning and some of the changes being deployed today and next week will help. I will come back once the changes are released and make sure things have improved.

It’s not slow. I cannot actually access the account.

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Apologies. If you can reach out to the team over the in app chat. I’ll make sure they get back to you quickly.

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Hey :wave:

Could you DM me your email and I’ll check this out?



I’ve just had a transaction to buy fail, with no reason but the money is still showing as reserved so I can’t re-order! :frowning: Any suggestions please?

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Have had this before, It sometimes takes an hour or so to re-sync, but re-sync it will (eventually)
Either that or the trade will randomly go through at some point, that happens too sometimes.

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The ‘Costs and Charges’ tab on all etf’s & stocks has not displayed any information for over a week.

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Hi @101. Our provider changed the data format they send yesterday. This triggered an alarm internally and we have a change going out today which bring the data back. We haven’t had any reports of missing data prior to then. Was it a specific instrument or multiple?

I have had the same problem past day or two. All ETF charges that I have looked into say 0 fees. Previously there have been fees for most of these instruments.

Costs and charges are all in place now. Thanks for your patience.


Hey @Max5 - I will flag this to the customer support team and they’ll get in touch.

I’m closing this thread now as it’s hard to keep tab on various different issues here.

Please DM us in-app if you have any specific issues, or feel free to browse for a thread which is relevant to any issue you see on your app.
