Freetrade launches US stocks 🇺🇸

No, I invested in a new Android which had an IOS version which could run the app :rofl: Ok, I’ve only got myself to blame I guess…


Impressive roll out team!! 150 stocks in one go, on a new exchange, with limited issues, is great! Next step will be fractional shares as some of these US shares are whoppers… :joy:


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Gutted no music industry stocks made it - Spotify, Tencent Music, Sirius etc…


We’d definitely like to add those. To help us prioritise what to add next, it’d be really helpful if you could create #stock-requests topics for Tencent Music & Sirus. We have a topic for Spotify here & it is very popular :+1:

Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about getting those set up :smile:


They are both there now!

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On the app? That was fast!

If only - no as topics!

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You might have noticed that yesterday we launched US stocks on the Freetrade app. They’re already available for a few lucky people and we’ll be bringing them to everyone in the next week.

So we’ve put together a short post going into a little more detail about the design changes we’ve made to support them. Why not have a little read while you wait :wink:


You never know, stocks might be cheaper next week anyway, so perhaps it’s for the best. I was testing US Stocks (great job by the way freetrade, all worked well apart from one trade) and I bought some Tesla yesterday after the drop, and just before it plunged some more :rofl: :cry:


it’s safest not to buy tesla eh :slight_smile:

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heh, we’ll see. It’s certainly a risky choice right now. I did buy lots of others as well.

Are airlines tricky in the US too (ownership)?

Good job guys! My dad has always joked that I should own shares in Apple and now I do. Process was super smooth and not a hint of glitch.


Just got the US Stocks :star_struck: :us: It’s as beautiful as I imagined!


My haul so far!


Order went through beautifully :money_with_wings: :us: Hats off to all Freetrade :freetrade:

Side note, will you be adding buys & sells to the Activity tab? Along with Market Buy Contract Notes?

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It can take 20-30 minutes for the items for appear in your Activity feed but they’re there now.

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Right you are @Freetrade_Team1, my bad!

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Still checking my phone every few minutes for the notification :laughing: