Freetrade’s crowdfunding round is closed, the community invested £4m+ 🎉

Thanks Alex i found it!!

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Hi @fte, I’ve popped you an email :slight_smile:

Thank you @HannahCrowdcube for the quick response, i have replied back all sorted . :partying_face:

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Is Up to 3 million now


Do EIS forms get sent out to you when you have invested? Also should I be applying for this? Or is it only if you have invested a substantial amount?

“The EIS is aimed at the wealthier, sophisticated investors.”

Not wealthy or massively sophisticated :joy:

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@MaximoGF you need to opt in on crowdcube in your profile section:

It is 30% of any pledge in income tax relief I believe. It is also good to claim in case of selling the shares after a certain period (3 years) as you are not charged CGT and keep all profit.

Im sure the big dogs can assist though…@Freetrade_Team1 step up! :face_with_monocle:

Oh yes I do have that selected on my crowdcube account actually. So what happens now?

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When the round closes, Freetrade will send the required info to HMRC. You will receive a letter to your address to complete and send back to HMRC. Last round it was done and dusted within 2 months I think… @MaximoGF some raises have taken a lot longer (chip for one)!


Nice one mate thank you. I didn’t get anything sent out after R4 though?

You should have received the EIS form if your address is correct on crowdcube. I had issues before and spoke directly with crowdcube. I would discuss with @HannahCrowdcube.


Appreciate the info mate, address is correct so will message crowdcube customer services :+1:t2:

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It often takes a while for EIS to come through, at least a few months.


I also haven’t received anything yet after r4

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Me neither after R4…

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It takes at least a few months. R4 certs will probably come later in the summer.

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Hi guys :slight_smile:

The EIS certificates for R4 are currently being processed by our EIS administrator. He has confirmed that certificates should be completed and sent to investors in the next 6-8 weeks.


@MaximoGF my apologies… My EIS certificate was from a different investment. I was getting confused. I have NOT received my Freetrade one. Sorry for any confusion caused. I feel like a fraud! :sob::rofl::joy::laughing: All information above re EIS is correct though.

@HannahCrowdcube keep up the good work!


Is there another way to invest other than CrowdCube? As I have had really bad experience with CrowdCube and yet I’d like to invest.

  1. Poor customer service, support by email but you wait too long for a response. I didn’t get a reply for over 24 hours and had to resort in tweeting

  2. CrowdCube accidentally opened two accounts for me when I made an investment I gave a different email for the company I was investing in. No one in CrowdCube took ownership or cared about this major technical fault let alone apologised because the customer support team don’t understand the technology.

Hence I don’t trust CrowdCube but now feel forced to reopen an account with them as I’d like to invest in Freetrade.



The only option will be through CrowdCube - hopefully it goes a bit more smoothly this time

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Hi @SarLondon111,

I’m sorry to hear you feel as though you’ve received poor customer service. To hopefully provide some reassurances, I’d like to address each of your points in turn.

  1. I can see that you received an initial response within 6 minutes of submitting your support request and a full resolution of your ticket by the next day. While we will also aim to resolve a support request as soon as possible, our usual office hours are 9-5.30 Monday to Friday, which may sometimes impact our ability to fully resolve these requests.

  2. Please be assured that we would never open an account on behalf of an investor. Having looked at your details, it looks like a new account was opened, presumably accidentally when downloading and signing into our app. You had invested through one account, but the app was linked to another one. As discussed, this has now been resolved as per your request.

I am genuinely sorry if this process caused you any concern, and I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have should you wish to open an account with us to invest in Freetrade.