iOS app giving an ‘identity verification’ error

I’m trying to get Freetrade up and running. I’ve sent ID documents, but still can’t access the app? It seems to be stuck in some kind of first-time user loop and asks me to set up new account every time I try to run it. Anyone else having this problem? I’ve tried contacting the help email address but I just get a canned reply about them being busy. I understand that but it’s been weeks now and I just want to get on with using this app.

You could try reinstalling or deleting the cached app data. Or another device?

Thanks for the suggestion Adam. I’ve tried clearing the cache. It’s stopped the first-time loop. Still can’t access the app though.

If none of Adam’s suggestions work reach out to customer support. Check this thread

Before you do that…

Try restart the phone?

Try delete and reinstall the app?

What operative system is your phone on?

For Android you need Android 7 at least I think

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