My Freetrade Investment Journey [Subscribe to the channel]

That’s literally their job. If they don’t pass on the dividend, someone will notice at some point and then they’ll have some tough questions to answer.
You’re going to get the dividend even if you don’t chase up.

I’ve chased exactly 0 of my dividend payments and received previously 100% of them.


Yes we’ll still pay you all of your dividend, just as quickly, even if you don’t contact us to ask about it.


Without knowing the intricacies of their internal process - effectively all I did was notice at some point. Not sure what’s different to me noticing or someone else. Maybe it was coincidental that after I chased it came - but its not unreasonable to chase if you’re not sure and its expected.


Hello, very interesting journey. Where did you learn how to do fundamental analysis? I have some knowledge on technical analysis due to crypto. I am new to stocks and want to get some exposure to this type of asset as well. Thank you for doing these videos.

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Thanks for the feedback! You’re welcome!

For the most part friends, youtube and online - it was piecemealed together - which is why I started infant investors so there’s a home for what I deemed useful for newbies.

Books - I’d recommend ‘Shares made simple’ which gives you the fundamentals of how equities work. and now I’m reading Intelligent Investor - to understand value investing and investment rules and principles.


Thanks for your quick reply. Will look into ‘Shares made simple’ I am also reading The Intelligent Investor at the moment. I’d recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad, covers investing in general and mindset.


Great book!

I read Rich Dad Poor Dad when I was young, my first self-help business book. Framed everything.

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A little interim portfolio update - thanks to President Trump

Enjoy :smiley:


“Bloodbath” is over-egging it a bit. You ain’t seen nothing yet!

Good update as always though.


Yeah, Trump still has access to twitter, it could get a lot worse :cold_sweat:


LOOOL… that’s funny!

I have however lost 92.8% in crypto… so you’re not wrong - this is a minor blip.

But as someone mentioned to me - if it bleeds, it leads… so its good for the tube!

Thanks mate!

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It is… unfortunately… i’m monitoring closely and my stocks are still leaking.

maybe could continue throughout the week.

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Just to illustrate the point, I bought a North America tracker, VNRT, over Christmas for £48-49 a share. Even after this week’s blip, it’s still sitting at about £54-55 a pop.

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But it sounds like (albeit assumption based off the name here) That Chinese trade may not impact such a tracker - naturally depending on what imports each underlining asset is involved in.

Some US stocks are doing okay depending on their business.

That’s a fair point, though it’s much the same story with VFEM, which tracks emerging markets. Just thought it was important to make the argument that stocks can – and will – fall a lot further.

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This is a potential problem with easy access to market through apps.
Like Twitter is not enough for me :man_facepalming:

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Yeah lol

I’m monitoring with the view to buy more though. Not overly concerned with social media commentary.

Hey @Certi.Curti - Im an early subscriber to your channel, and you gave me the confidence to really get started. we are tryna do a meetup Freetrade London Meetup? are you interested?


Hey @RMIA appreciate the support! :smiley:

It’s a great idea, I won’t be able to make this one as I’m abroad at that date, but if this becomes a monthly thing then defo next time.