Payment queue/API query

Hi all- just a technical query as I cover FMIs and payment architecture at one of the regulators. I’ve noticed like most people that there’s a noticeable variance in the time period for payment transfers via OBP from the host bank to FT. Is this due to the payment queue backlog? Would typically expect this to be instantaneous, so it’s interesting to see longer time periods being reported and variance. So far, i’ve made all transfers during UK trading/open hours from the same account, which is one of the 5 UK Cat 1 banks.


Hi Chris

My understanding is that their banking provider didn’t have an API for incoming payments, but they are working on implementing this.

Therefore currently payments are manually exported from the bank and imported into their system.

Hence operating during 8am to 8pm.

Hope this helps answer the question but if any other forum users know different or further info, they can jump in and correct me :
I hope :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply Jase- much appreciated. I will definitely be using Apple Pay going forward to avoid this, although so far this is the only ‘issue’ i’ve noticed. The application user interface is certainly well built and for the minimal to none-existent consumer costs, this is a small concern.

But yeah, I feel like an API would really help to minimise any consumer concern and as most FinTechs have had this in place for quite awhile, I feel like people just expect real-time payment rails.

Chris (all views expressed are my own)

This is true. Also, few people understand that in the payments space, incoming faster payments are usually always chargeable just like outbound.

I work for a FinTech that runs a very large payment operation (for our customers it is considered large) and work with an amazing API.

However, early on, it surprised me just how few APIs for FPS existed.

I bet you have a very interesting bird’s-eye view on this?

Hey Chris

In case you’re not aware, there’s a £1,000 lifetime limit on Apple and Google Pay.


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Cheers Chaz- appreciate the reply.


I only have a £250 lifetime limit, which has quickly been used up due to the slowness of adding bank payments. Is this as I have a GIA and not a Pro account?

They temporarily reduced the lifetime limit for everyone to £250 as part of their way of coping with the GME-related surge in transactions: [ENTIRE US MARKET OPEN 🇺🇸✅] 1st February 2021: Expect disruptions to US buy/sell orders today - what we’re doing to keep everything running


Yeah, it’s an interesting area. The New Payment Architecture (NPA) programme by Pay UK which the details of are publicly available is definitely worth. a read if you’re interested in the payments space. It’ll replace BACS and FFPS.


I know a lot about it already but thank you :slight_smile:

I don’t think it will replace things as fast as people think (or hope) however :wink:

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It is worth editing your link to the correct one @chrisknox100 to avoid anyone visiting a site they didn’t intend.

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Cheers. Not sure why it auto hyperlinked when I typed out the original message.


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