Received 10ish emails about freetrade interest payment today

It was only 1p, so maybe the enthusiasm can be curbed a bit :slight_smile:

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I’m feeling left out, I only got 3 of the emails today.
Only 10p for me though.

All those 1p emails I received only amounted to 1p. You’re set for the weekend.

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Could always get those Shebet Sweet - I think they will 1p

:man_facepalming: I think our system for these automated messages went a bit haywire. Apologies everyone. We’re investigating the cause. No impact on payments (none duplicated or anything like that).

Have a good weekend!


Yep, no real hardship.

Aw shucks. I was hoping that the error on the emails was replicated on the payments. With my 11 emails, I’d have been looking at 22p.

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