Stuck on the ‘creating your account’ loading page

Having the same problems :confused:

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Me too :frowning: Can you DM me too please?

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I’m having the same problem, please could you DM me to help out as well?

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Just tried creating my account, same issue here, tried a hard reset of the phone, no difference, just sitting on the “Creating your account” page in the app. If I close the app and relaunch it, it asks me to choose a pin and put in my NI number etc. again

At least I am not alone in this issue. If you have some time could you please reach out and assist in resolving the issue?


I’m also having this issue, been trying for an hour or so now. Can anyone help please?

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I have tried on ios and android and i managed to log in first then deposited money as soon as i turned the app off it logged me out and makes me sign up again then freezes on the creating account

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This is exactly what happened to me, no idea what is going on

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Hi there am also having this issue can you help?

Hi @MeghanB26 Can you DM also as I’m having the same issue

Shit almost sounds like the servers is not able to handle the amount of new ppl (thanks reddit haha). Same problem…

If anyone has managed to have this issue solved could they enlighten us a little more of the process? Was there a client side fix or was something altered on the admins side?

Is there anything you could recommend us trying as well @MeghanB26 ?

I realise that there’s probably been a high level of issues today, however it has been very frustrating.


I am also having this problem… please help

Hi All :wave:

Apologies for the delay, it’s been a very busy couple of days at Freetrade HQ!

We have had some reports of customers being stuck in a pending onboarding status and have also worked through rectifying several of these today.

As some of you may have had this fixed already, I won’t reach out via DM to anyone that’s commented prior to this message, however if this issue is still impacting you, please reply below to let me know and I’ll reach out via DM.


Yes please, I still need help @MeghanB26

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I also need help please @MeghanB26


Hey! Also having this issue and need help

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I am also having this issue.

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Also stuck on Creating your account page.

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Still having issues here I’m afraid

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