The latest on the rollout

Not yet, but that’s coming, now that everyone on the team has it!

Adding all team members as customers was the first step, and everyone here topped up with their real, “private” money to buy ETFs and stocks.

I bought a few shares that I’ve been meaning for a while, e.g. Ocado. I think we made some £5.25 revenue. :money_mouth_face:

All is going well, and we are hammering out minor things and reviewing feedback - and there is a good amount of it, from the team as well as from the community, based off the random screenshots we’ve shared (e.g. the “banking” tab could be renamed for clarity, etc).

Talking of feedback, @Freetrade_Team_Design has scheduled user research sessions to look at the core app, key journeys, and priority features next week. Add yourself here if you’d like to participate in the future. To be clear, this is not about having the full app, but looking at specific interactions or experiences.

We’ll give a shout to our investors to drum up a few super early app testers. These people should be ready for a non-perfect experience, and we hope to make fast improvements based on their feedback before we start adding all our investors.
