Track and share all your investments in one place with

Hi guys, is a community for DIY investors I have been working on and I thought it would be useful to the freetrade community.

I have friends who want to invest but are not sure where to start, and thought sharing my investment decisions would help them begin, without the awkwardness of showing the value of everything.

You enter your holdings to track everything, and it will also create a post saying you bought or sold something (but not how much).
You can check out my public feed here

Its still in the early days, so any feedback would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot,
Ben, Founder of Holfolio


:poop: :sweat_smile: the site is working for me now, was that just the homepage?

Nah, it was the link to your feed. But it works now.

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thanks for confirming (and for letting me know in the first place!)

This is very interesting, I may sign up later.

Thanks for making this.

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Will give it a go later!

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I think I will give it a try too. Looks interesting

great to hear!
The more feedback the better so please share any ideas you have to improve it!

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Keeps erroring on me though. Can’t add equity holdings without it crashing.

Let me know when fixed as I’m keen to check it out

Sorry about that. While we fix the problem you can also email us at with your username and holdings and we’ll add them for you.
(That’s a long standing offer for everyone, not just when there are bugs!)

Just to state that the bug finki found has been fixed (British stocks quoted in pence have a currency of GBX which was throwing the currency converter off).
The more feedback the better - any ideas to improve Holfolio would be greatly appreciated!

I’m getting an internal server error when I try to add an equity.

Let me know when it’s fixed and I’ll upload it myself.

“I am Holfolio!”

Just messing, what made you buy ETH and how long are you holding for? I bought some about two years ago, now worth like a third what I bought at :grin:.

I had a plan to hold for at least two years as that’s how far out Sharding was on the roadmap, if I remember right. My prediction was that once the platform was further developed, it would have more use cases and the currency would appreciate. I’m leaving my holdings as they are for now and will check again at some point in future or when they end up in the news again :grinning:.

Sorry @anon810895 I’m looking into that right now, obviously some teething issues when you get more users

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I bought Ethereum as I had some serious fomo from the crazy crypto run up in 2017, and it seemed like ETH was where all the useful things were being developed.
So basically Steve Ballmer: Developers - YouTube :slight_smile:

Think I’m nearly breakeven with the run up this week!

Giving this a bump as there are some new features. Holfolio now records the value of your portfolio over time, allows you to switch to any major currency, and you can tweet out individual trades.
Lot’s more coming soon (watchlists, benchmarks and stock leaderboard to name a few!)

Any other suggestions to make it better are more than welcome!

Monitoring your portfolio outside of your direct brokerage is probably even more important this week so you can ignore the tempting ‘sell’ button and stick with it in the tough times!


I know a lot of people use spreadsheets & other tools for tracking their portfolio, but there are a decent number of investors like me, fairly new to the game who don’t have either the knowledge or the time (or both!) to setup a decent tracking solution of their own.

I discovered a free tool to do it for me last night, providing portfolio details including performance. The guy running it is very friendly and provides amazing support - I had a few issues adding some of my stock and he responded really quickly to sort them all out for me, and the service is free (you can donate towards a coffee if you want to)

It does provide some limited visibility of your portfolio, namely the date and name of the shares purchased, but not the money spent, or the number of shares purchased, and you don’t have to use your name so it can’t be tied back to you as an individual. The intention behind this is (my words, not theirs) to provide knowledge and awareness of portfolio types and what types of setups people are developing. I’m personally on board with this message as a new investor, more visibility of what my portfolio is doing, and what others are doing is really helpful and I can’t see a negative angle as the limited information provided in no way gives anyone useful knowledge to use in a malicous manner about me or my portfolio.

The site is

Edit. I hope Freetrade are ok with me posting this, but I assume they will be - the guys message is fundamentally the same as Freetrades - financial advice shouldn’t be expensive. Check the site out, it may be useful to you, it may not be - it definitely is for me.

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Hi Jim.

Popped you into here with the main body of posts.

@benk will be happy to read your feedback no doubt!

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Cheers guys!