Cannot create an account HELP!

Hi there,
I am using android in the UK and I canā€™t get past the ā€œcreating your profileā€ page on the app. It says this will take a few minutes but it never does anything else, ive left this page open for over an hour and still nothing. I have tried uninstalling and re installing the app as well. Please help I wish to create an account!

This is a known issue if you search the forum but the most common advice is clear the cache on app settings or try to use another phone/simtablet just for setup. And email for help too

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Thanks for the reply. I have tried all of this but still no luck. I tried on an ipad but it just said we canā€™t create your account and it wouldnā€™t even go to creating account page. I have emailed them in hopes they can help me.

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Greetings @EpicEllie Your phone needs to be Android 7 or above.

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My phone is on android 11 thanks


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve tried it but uninstalling the app and reinstalling might be worth a shot.

Hiya, yeah I have tried that. Sadly not even using another device is working. I have emailed them so im hoping they can help so I can start my freetrade journey :slight_smile:

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Oh that is frustrating! We I hope you get an answer pretty quickly and can use the forum to share and learn - let us know how you get on.

I will do thank you!

Ok I found the issue, turns out I had an account previously (not sure when) but they re opened my account and now everything is working :slight_smile:


Thanks for the update and well done to past you for good decisions. :ok_hand:t2:

Thanks - now I just need to learn how to invest and what everything means and I will be good to go!

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Oh thatā€™s the easy bit!! :joy:

Check out this thread and if you have questions the community are pretty knowledgeable folk.

Oh and this is very helpful.