Freetrade is Out 🔥 Share your first thoughts once you get access!

We will :sweat_smile:

There’s some more details (& please do vote for this idea) here:

Additional Info on Rejected Orders

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You can imagine my face when I get the email and android isn’t available :unamused:


I am in at #686.

Installed app on work phone after Alex’s email yesterday (Android user :roll_eyes:)

Just connected bank account and transferred a little to Freetrade account now waiting for it to show up. It would have been convenient to be able to copy the transfer reference number and on a small screen (iPhone 5) when entering NI number, the screen was bit weird couldn’t see what I was tying.

Can’t wait to start the trade though. :star_struck:


Just got the good ol’ “you’ll get it today” invitation email and found an older iOS device (mainly Android user here!) - I await my proper invite now :slight_smile:

Will share my thoughts once I’m properly in!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Unable to access app

You can do that, it’s just not clear.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Transfer in Activity feed but not available to invest

Tomorrow at 16… obviously 16:00 hours but not clear. Could be £16, 16 lemons, etc


Not the same message on all :thinking:

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maybe my phone sucks :stuck_out_tongue: I get 16 for blue sirius too

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Everything today is just confusing me :see_no_evil:

Some regional setting thing maybe?

Do you have version 1.2.6 of the app installed?

I only have version 1.2.5 (427) available


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The TestFlight update’s being reviewed by Apple at the moment :sweat_smile:

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Thanks, could you please send us a message via the live chat so that we can look into this?

Hey guys! User #906 here. App is looking great but a few thoughts:

  1. When adding my bank details while setting up the account, the sort code and account number fields are cleared every time I background the app.
  2. Is there a better way to add funds to the account than bank transfer? I’ve already managed to mess up by not adding my unique reference. I think a more seamless process would be better even if there’s a fee.
  3. If bank transfer really is the only way then it’d be nice if there wasn’t such a delay.
  4. Obviously I have no activity yet. It’d be nice to see some placeholder text rather than a blank screen on the activity tab.

Overall the app looks great and I can’t wait to get stuck in once I’ve sorted out my top up issue over live chat!


Welcome Rhys :wave:

We’ve stopped that happening in the latest app update today (version 1.2.6) :boom:

Yes, here’s our plans.

We’re working on this at the moment :raised_hands:


Awesome, thanks for the rapid response Alex! One other small comment is that I didn’t get a push notification when you replied to me on live chat.

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Yes we need to add those too :100: please do vote for that idea here & anything else that you like the look of in the Ideas :bulb: category :smile: