Gain/Loss on Portfolio 📈

So cool, thanks team :+1:

However I’m sure mine isn’t correct - how is it calculated?

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What about the portfolio return %? I would like to see this over different time periods and the annualised % return since inception

Depends how you view them - I like them to compound.

But yes if withdrawn they should not be counted.

Depends if you’re calculating time weighted or money weighted returns… but yes, generally time weighted is the accepted way of depicting performance.

If any money is sitting in cash then I wouldn’t count that. Once you’ve reinvested any dividend then it’s back into your portfolio.

It’s so interesting how different people want very different presentations. I see cash as a necessary part of any portfolio (in varying proportions), so would be really unhappy to see it taken out, but see why you say that if you don’t consider it part of the portfolio, but more as spare money. Some people feel the same about dividends.

Would be interesting to know how freetrade are calculating growth right now.


I only see it this way from a pure profit/loss perspective. Cash sits outside of that calculation to me, whether it’s come from dividends or not. I do allocate a % of cash as part of my overall portfolio but I don’t include it in any calculations.

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I think when fractional shares are out and we can reinvest dividends then it should definitely be included. However newly added cash I’m not sure should be included. But realised profit from a sale of stock should also definitely be included.

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Let’s have a good old fashioned vote!

  • Include Cash in Total
  • Exclude Cash in Total

0 voters

I think cash added to the portfolio definitely should not be part of growth % (does anyone want that?), but cash dividends should IMO - there is an entire class of investors who rely on reinvested dividends for growth and everyone does to some extent. They are just another way to grow wealth.

Then separately there is the question of whether cash in the portfolio should count towards total value (is that what the poll is for?). I’d say yes to that personally (so as it is currently).


I’m more interested in my AUM in the main page. The current chart is fine by me.

But what I would like to see is a separate section showing my portfolio’s performance such as Cash gains, Money Weighted and Time Weighted returns as well as lifetime dividends earned.


I like the idea @Vlad came up with a while ago, where by there’s two performance lines, total value & cash deposits. @Vlad Do you still have the screenshot of this?


Agreed Kenny. @Jonny - that’s exactly what’s required. A separation of cash deposits vs cash that’s come from either sale or dividend.


On my AJ Bell, investments and cash are separated, I think that makes sense.

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Deposited cash no. Extra cash that has come from dividends or profit from selling a share that has risen in price, yes.


Interesting, I personally don’t count any cash in my calculations bar allocation %’s as it’s depreciating and not as relevant to the performance of my money in the market.

Do you mean this one?


Full disclosure, this is not my idea but PensionBee’s extremely well-presented concept which I do not see why Freetrade should not introduce and improve :slight_smile:


That’s the one! Thank you @Vlad

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Love that idea from them. It would be great if it was implemented on Freetrade. I especially love the toggles so that you can hide one or the other if you desire. Then like we have on individual stocks, a slider to view the details values for each as also shown in Pension Bee’s system

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I like it so far, just waiting for limit orders I think that would be great to make a buy order and wait until it drops to your price instead of always checking during work.