Gain/Loss on Portfolio 📈

But what you also need is the delta of those two. How much cash I’ve deposited is interesting from the perspective of “How much capital have I been able to save?” but it says nothing about the performance of my investment (which, to other points, I agree should include both capital growth and dividend income).

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This great, the more accurate it becomes, the better. Like seeing absolute value gain but would also like to toggle/tap to see % gain.

Also, has anybody else lost the 1Y portfolio view?


1Y will kick in once you’ve been on the app for one year. For now, we’ll show MAX.


I have IOS, freetrade version 2.6.1 , and still don’t see this. Is it still available only to a few beta testers?


Hey, that’s right, yes. For now it’s with beta testers and we hope to roll it out very shortly!

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The chart needs a whole redesign.
The ups and downs from depositing cash and making trades skews the data. The green colour implies constant positive progress.

We need a chart, where each activity is a point, a clickable point that breaks down the activity.
Then we need multiple options on the chart, such as linear progression, which will show our timeline.

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Something weirds going on with my graph this evening :joy:

@Freetrade_Team @jani


Same, something very odd happened

Same thing happened to me on Android.

Happened to me too.
I think the portfolio graph needs a couple a complete overhaul.

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Nutty graph here too on Android

Happened to me too!

Mine goes up and down, not down and up!!

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Same here. Something has gone wrong.

Same problem for me too looks like there a issue with a app


I have it too, twice. I’ve not brought or sold anything, and haven’t topped up recently. I did receive a few small dividends recently but nothing to cause this. The same thing is happening with my GIA, just the peaks are a bit higher. Hope that helps.

Android user here with the same nutty graph problem, in my case two massive dips showing for no apparent reason. Has mucked up my 1D view because it’s showing the increase from the false dip instead of the proper level :man_facepalming:

Edit: Just checked the app again and now see that Freetrade sent an in-app message at almost the same time I posted the above, saying they’re aware of the problem and are working on a fix. Presumably everyone else has received the same message also.

I’ve seen similar things on other platforms. Might be an issue with the Data provider rather than the app