My freetrade dividend journey on YouTube

That might be good for the average person but Iam more hands on and prefer specific stock that I know and like.

@Emina1 If you haven’t read have a read.

Also there is newer post this approach would be useful for someone with very large capital.

At the moment I personally do not go for yield.

That approach requires options trading, which isn’t in freetrade and isn’t planned to be as far as I know. although it does make sense and is a less risky way of using options

I have wondered if it might be feasible to use IG to sell calls on a stock I hold in freetrade, hmmmm

Yes. That strategy is not possible on FT and also you require at least 100 shares inorder to sell one option , so not for small account.

I would assume that would require some margin in IG account and associated costs with margin, not a good way of doing it.

Dunno where you get tesla are Gona be huge when the big car manufacturers start shipping their electric cars which they are ramping up over the next two years I feel tesla shares will take a big dip.They still Carnt even make a profit so once the big car dealer start with there electric cars tesla may get swallowed up


I tuned my head today after a Toyota Rav cruised passed in near silence. I didn’t realise they did electric cars in the 4x4. What’s more it was a 2016 plate, but after a google they sure do. With the congestion charge in London and a continual turn against emissions it’s difficult to see much future for combustion engines. Eventually they will all be hybrid of a sorts. I feel Tesla is overpriced and I won’t invest in it until the share price drops below 175 and even then I will want to see have a good look at stats. If I’ve missed a good one then so be it. If it drops too low it could be taken over anyway by a profitable car manufacturer like BMW group who will harvest its engineering for their own cars.

edit: 3 year graph of Tesla stock.

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I agree, when compared to car manufacturers they appear overpriced.

But tesla is more than a car company in my view , they have power wall, solar city tech, not to mention the recent discussions to beat lyft, waymo and uber to a driverless taxi fleet. I like tesla because it fits in my green credentials and is quite funny to watch the roller-coaster. Both ways. I’m down quite a bit from when I bought but they have lots to offer I feel.

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Even if telsa did make it u need more stocks than you got am a complete beginner to the stock market and dont have anywhere near as much as you invested but i have got 17 different stocks i have been trying to learn as much as I can about the stock market and rule number 1 is reduce the risk by investing in many different stocks or etfs.


Ha doubt Tesla will get swallowed up. Amazon bled billions for years now look at them. Tesla are in the forefront of automatous driving ,others are years away. I believe in 5 years this stock will at least be 2k but that’s just my opinion.

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Tesla Market cap is already bigger than Ford or GM, I don’t see how it can get much huger (is that a word?) from here. especially with the losses they are making

Edit: as of today after Tesla Fell and Ford went up Ford is bigger than Tesla Again, and Ford pays over 6% dividend ( I have some Ford shares, no tesla though)

Whether tesla get swallowed up or not am just saying up need to have more than what you got cause your risk is so high with just them stocks.Hope it works for you but don’t think it will with what your doing at the minute.

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I really hope you are right. However, even if you are right and make a fortune you will almost certainly continue to do the same strategy on other stocks and then it will go horribly wrong. I can guarantee you that 100%. Nobody - not a single book or a single successful investor in the whole world backs your strategy here. By all means back Tesla, but just diversify your kids money a bit more.

You clearly haven’t been burnt before. I’ve put too much emphasis on an individual stock and lost everything. Everything apart from 83p. I’ve learnt my lesson, not because I’m a know it all, but because I learned the hard way.


It sounds like you’re saying it’s too big to fail/be bought. Which seems somewhat naive.

Other car companies have deep pockets. VW and BMW are sitting on around €20bn in cash reserves each. The money is there to compete. For a more average priced EV with high rangeTesla perhaps has first mover advantage, but VW and Honda are about to launch into that same price bracket.

And in terms of autonomous, Tesla is taking a different approach compared to Waymo or GM or Uber. It’s probably too early to say which will win out.

I couldn’t resist posting about Tesla, I tried.

No one denies Tesla is the reason for current push to EV, otherwise it might have taken few more decades.

They are not leaders in Autonomous transportation, at the moment its Waymo. And there is company Aroura. Its going to be minimum 5 years to see autonomous cabs around.

Some wise people say, good investors think how not to lose money.

And good read,


You don’t think my portfolio will work? So when exactly do you think Pepsi, Apple,abbvie,Domino’s,at&t and Boeing are going to collapse? The only risky stock I have is Vodafone and even there not going anywhere soon.

I totally respect the fact that MOST people in this post are Tesla :bear: but the amount of research I’ve done on the company is a lot. From the solar company to the fully automated taxi plan, to there FULLY electric cars. Let alone the gigafactory in China. Soon as that’s built they will be a different company. So in short Iam not blinded by this company, I just have faith that what there currently doing and successfully doing, that’s where the world is heading. Yes there’s a big risk involved Iam well aware.

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Emotion can be a difficult thing to wrestle with on any investment. Diversity is the answer and if you continue to grow your portfolio and add other shares then the risk of any one comlpany having an off year reducing a large portion of your portfolio becomes less.

For the record I back tesla not fully because of the financials (because they are difficult to stack at the moment in my opinion) but because I like investing in them because of what they are trying to bring about.


This a great watch. Gives a bit more insight to Tesla.


Thanks for the videos @Emina1 I’m definitely going to watch your videos and subscribe. That’s some lunch time viewing sorted for today!

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Thanks dude , hope you enjoy them :+1:t4: